Shouldn’t we all be achieving our goals?

Iain Fraser
4 min readAug 4, 2020

Instead of focusing on the destination, focus on the process. Darius Foroux

Photo by Alexa Williams on Unsplash

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been worried about achieving outcomes and obtaining the desired results. Ultimately, what has held me back is the fear of failure. This fear can be anything from thinking I’m not good enough to fearing I don’t have the intellect. It was always there nagging away and festering itself deep inside my mind.

However, what I’ve found over time to deal with this fear is being realistic and Stoic. For me, finding people like Ryan Holiday and the work of Stoicism has been a great opportunity to overcome my fears and barriers. I know I control my own destiny and that which is outwith my control is not worth fearing. Granted, I’ve not fully got to a place where I no longer listen to the doubts but I’m improving each day and continue to seek positivity.

My motto lately has been ‘manage the manageables’.

I’ve always been someone who likes to be in control and know the where, what, why and who. This is something which has stood me in good stead and allowed me to breath and know that I’m in control. However, it’s when that control recedes and I’m out my comfort zone or away from my routine that affects me. So over time, I’ve been trying to set goals — some which are more short term and others which are longer term. Recently, I read an article by Darius Foroux called When You Fail To Achieve Your Goals, Try Systems Instead which has brought value and stoked a number of thoughts and ideas. Particularly, the Stoic idea which Darius highlights of “there’s only one thing that is up to us: Our actions”.

On the back of this, I decided to write some of my goals which I will list below;

  1. Reach my goal weight of 90kg,
  2. Write more articles on, at least two per month,
  3. Make a monthly donation to charity or a good cause,
  4. Undertake at least one learning/productivity course per month.

Reaching my goal weight of 90kg;

Firstly I’ve always been tall (6ft3) and quite lean which has meant that adding weight/muscle has been challenging. Over the years, I’ve been going to the gym, take protein shakes and making a little progress. I know what I have to do to make the necessary adjustments but a number of factors can get in the way, such as fear, procrastination, doubt. However, I continue to persist and so far I’ve gone from around 78kg to now around 86kg. I know it’s a journey and one that if I set my mind to it, stay resolute and manage the manageables I will achieve my goal.

Write more articles on, at least two per month;

This is something I never foreseen as I’m not a writer and not since University have I written an article, paper or report. Although, I’ve found a lot of value in being able to post my thoughts and being able to have a record to look back at and also to keep me accountable, going forward. I’m not writing for others and if anyone reads my articles and find they bring value then that’s great. But ultimately, these articles are for my benefit and no other.

Make a monthly donation to charity or a good cause;

The current Covid crisis and lockdown has taught me the need to be charitable and to support your local community. Sadly, a great many people have lost a lot during this pandemic and that includes their jobs and ultimately their lives. I’ve been fortunate to keep my job and income which means I have some disposable income which I’m happy to share with others who, through no fault of their own, have become less fortunate and in need. I haven’t yet figured out how to specifically achieve this goal although I hope to be able to make a small positive difference.

Undertake at least one learning/productivity course per month;

This is the one which I believe will bring the most value to me personally and help me grow. Recently, I’ve changed by outlook of utilising Twitter as a tool to learn from others, particularly those smarter than me. Finding mentors who are willing to provide their knowledge and services is something I’ve only come to realise is readily available on the platform. There are many people on Twitter who provide courses on a number of different subjects such as productivity, life hacking and addressing procrastination. I hope tapping into their resources will bring value and help me learn, by giving me more time to focus on what is important — self development. Without this, we continue to go through the motions and lack focus.

Goal setting is something which I know requires the following: willpower, accountability, support structure and positivity. However, I’m sure I can achieve my goals by focusing on the here and now and building a clear path to a future which is more productive.

Finally, I would love to know what goals people set and how they achieve them. I’m happy to steal the best ideas and habits from the smartest people and make no apology for doing so.

