Year in review — 2020

Iain Fraser
4 min readDec 31, 2020


Anxiety comes from an unexamined lifeNaval Ravikant

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

For most people, 2020 has been a challenging year and one many will be desperate to see the back of and forget about quickly. However, I believe, in-order to progress and move forward we have to revisit where we’ve been. This year is the first I’ve spent undertaking meaningful periods of time being both reflective and contemplating past events.

It’s not until you look back do you realise how much you’ve achieved. This year I read more than I’ve ever done before, made a number of charitable and investment contributions, kept up my fitness routine, while also being more mindful of my mental wellbeing.

One of the practices I’ve come to appreciate is mindfulness and with this meditation. This year, I’ve been using Sam Harris ‘Waking Up’ app to meditate and also listen to the many resources and talks he posts on consciousness, mindfulness, living and reflection. The practice of meditating will be very different for each person, but for me it’s been a way of checking in with my thoughts and being able to note them without letting them control or take over. Sometimes these thoughts will be positive and other times they will be negative, but there is little I can do to control them, rather I acknowledge there presence and move on. However, its about being fully present.

“The quality of your mind determines the quality of your life.” (Sam Harris)

Another practice I undertook this year was to journal and also keep a diary — The 6 Minute Diary. This has brought a tremendous amount of value through reflection and also being grateful for everything that happens in my life.

I’ve kept a productivity journal which I use when reading books and articles and find interesting quotes or topics which I write down. Each week, I started a new page where I would continue to add quotes and passages which captivate and interest me. I’ve previously written about the power of quotes which can live with you forever.

2020 — Annual review

Moments and milestones;

  • Participated in a think-tank on policy and development,
  • Celebrated first wedding anniversary,
  • Started flat/housing hunting. Took financial responsibility,
  • Made work trips to London,
  • Obtained a mortgage,
  • Purchased a flat.

Health and wellbeing;

  • Listened to lots of podcasts,
  • Read over 30 books,
  • Regularly attended the gym,
  • Gained weight towards my goal of 90kg,
  • Subscribed to many newsletters,
  • Cut my alcohol intake, ate healthier,
  • Practiced mindfulness,
  • Began meditating,
  • Practiced gratitude.

Reflections and learnings;

  1. What am I proud of personally and professionally?
  • A year of marriage,
  • Buying a property,
  • Being more positive in my outlook,
  • Helping others in my work role,
  • Contributing to positive political changes,
  • Made contributions/donations to charities and individuals.

2. What new skills and/or habits did I develop?

  • Practising gratitude; saying thanks,
  • Meditating and being more mindful,
  • The art of reading consistently,
  • Following a gym workout routine.

3. What goals didn’t I accomplish? What got in the way?

  • Didn’t reach my target weight of 90kg. More focused on diet and counting macros.
  • Learning new skills. Fear of failure and procrastinating.

Lessons and themes;

  • Be more mindful and introvert,
  • Reflect,
  • Be thankful for what I’ve got,
  • Appreciate others.
  1. How do you describe this year in keywords?
  • Tragic,
  • Revealing,
  • Health and wellbeing.

2. What am I most thankful for?

  • Family and friends,
  • Health,
  • Fitness,
  • Job security.

3. Which categories in 2021 do I want to focus on?

  • Family and friends,
  • Health,
  • Personal growth.

Intentions for 2021;

  1. What is my purpose for next year?
  • To improve,
  • Be humble,
  • Learn from others,
  • Seek out wisdom.

2. Who do I want to become?

  • A better version of my current self,
  • Someone people respect and admire,
  • Someone looking to learn and grow.

3. What personal qualities to I want to strengthen?

  • Ability to listen,
  • Ability to learn,
  • Quality of life,
  • Care giving.

Planning for 2021;

  1. What steps can I take towards my goals?
  • Clear intentions,
  • Check-in with myself regularly,
  • Be open to challenges/failures,
  • Don’t let other put me down; avoid negative people.

2. What resources do I need to make progress?

  • A diary; log book,
  • A written plan,
  • Gym/workout equipment,
  • Newsletters and podcasts,
  • Friends and family,
  • Time.

Goals for 2021;

  • Reach 90kg in weight,
  • Meditate daily,
  • Practice gratitude daily,
  • Learn new skills,
  • Read over 30 books,
  • Write 12 articles on

“should not be satisfied with mere learning, but add practice when training. For as time passes we forget what we learned and end up doing the opposite, and hold opinions the opposite of what we should” (Epictetus)

Here’s to a fulfilling, rewarding and prosperous 2021.



Iain Fraser
Iain Fraser

Written by Iain Fraser

Interests: mindfulness, fitness/wellbeing, leadership and productivity.

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